Loose 7lbs in 7days: Day 6

Juicy day 6
What you’d need?
A good juicer, blender (see '' i recommend''on right column), a saucepan and the following fruits and vegetables:
200g natural organic yoghurt, ¼ banana, 11apples, 1 pineapple, 1celery stick, 1 lemon, 1 cucumber, 1 avocado, a handful of Spinach, a handful of mixed green leaves, 1 lime, 3 carrots, cinnamon powder, Spirulina, wheatgrass, friendly bacteria, Broccoli bunch, 1 beetroot, 1 courgette, a handful of Alfalfa Sprouts, power greens (either use a variety of fresh greens or get Jason Vale’s powdered greens at amazon. Check recommended on right bar), orange and ginger.
7 am
Hot water Lemon/Lime or mint
8am and 11am
Passion 4 JM- 1 apple, ¼ banana, 200g natural organic yoghurt and ½ level teaspoon of Spirulina.
Juice all but banana and yoghurt, pour the lot into blender and smoothie.
JM’s Pure Green Super Juice- 2 sticks of celery, ¼ medium cucmber, handful of spinach, 1oz shot of fresh wheatgrass and  1 slice of orange.
Juice spinach, cucumber, celery and wheatgrass. Take a bite of orange after each drink.
5pm and 8pm
Juice Master’s Boost Juice – 2 apples, ½ pineapple, ¼ mug alfalfa sprouts, ¼ mug watercress, ¼ mug parsley, ¼ mug kale, ¼ mug broccoli and 1 oz shot of fresh wheatgrass.
How? – Juice the lot.
Take Fennel Tea, Mint Tea or, my favourite, JM’s hot-n-spicy- 3 apples, a pinch of cinnamon and a saucepan. Juice apples, pour in saucepan and warm on low heat. DO NOT BOIL. When nice and warm, pour into mug, add cinnamon, then go sit in that cosy corner of your room with a good book, your favourite TV show or music and enjoy the most aromatic drink EVER!!!!
There you have it. They all taste a treat I promise but do not take my word for it, go try it out and let’s hear your thoughts.
These recipes are loaded with Vitamins C, D, E, K, beta-carotene, B1, B2, B6 and other vitamins in the B complex. There are also enriched with Chromium, potassium, Iron, folic acid, Zinc, iodine, sulphur, calcium and other minerals that together help cleanse the liver, dissolve excess mucus which hay fever and asthma sufferers need (pineapple); cleanse the intestinal tract thus eliminating harmful toxins and neutralizing harmful bacteria; reduce hardening and blockage of arteries which in turn reduces the risks of strokes and heart disease;  promotes healthy eyes, skin and hair; reduce  blood pressure, fluid retention and acidity in the body which is good news for arthritis and gout sufferers.
1 more juicy recipes to go!
