30 Days Juice Fast- Day 15

30 Days Juice Fast- Day 15

In recent times, my thoughts have been on the importance of being impeccable with oneself. We often tend to express impeccability externally, towards other people. For instance, we might promise to do something for someone and we do, in fact match this with actions. Have you noticed though that we tend to fall short when it comes to doing things we said we would do for ourselves? – You said you were going to stop that bad habit but you haven’t; you said you were going to join the gym and even though you can afford it, you just haven’t made any moves towards that goal.
I think we need to value ourselves a bit more. It does matter that we do what we promised ourselves we would do! Don’t break the promises you’ve made to yourself!

Day 15’ recipes:
What you would need:

1.   Time – obviously
2.   A Juicer or/ a smoothie maker (a good blender if no smoothie maker)
3.   A chopping board (optional)
4.   Knives (optional)
5.   Water
6.   Apple cider vinegar (to wash fruits and vegetables. See: ‘30-Day Juice Fast: Day 1- Mind Prep!’ post sent on 28th of Feb. 2013 for veggie washer recipe.)

Fruits and Veggies needed for the day: 2 banana,1/2 cup of cranberries, ½ a cup of blueberries, ½ a cup of strawberries,  1 Sweet orange, 6 carrots, 9 apples, 2 cups of pineapple, 1 celery stick, 5 inches of lemon, 4 inches of cucumber, 1 avocado, 4 handful of mixed green leaves, 6 carrots, a pinch of cinnamon powder, wheatgrass, 1 Broccoli bunch, 1 beetroot, 1 courgette, 1 cup of papaya, 2 inches of ginger and a handful of the following- Alfalfa Sprouts, watercress, parsley, kale.


7 am:
Warm water with Lemon slices Or the juice of 3 grapefruits.

8am and 11am:
AM smoothie: 2 bananas, 1 handful of spinach, ¼ cup of cranberries, ½ cup of blueberries, ½ cup of strawberries and 1 sweet orange (peeled).
Toss in a blender or smoothie maker and blend until smooth.

12pm and 2pm:
Refresh: 6 carrots, 2 apples, 1 inch of ginger, a small handful of parsley and 6 inches of lemon (peeled if waxed).
Juice the lot and enjoy!

PM Booost- 2 handfuls of green leaves, 1 celery stick, 3 broccoli stems, 4 inches of cucumber, 1 inch of zucchini, 3 apples, 1 inch slice of lemon and 1 inch piece of ginger.
Juice the lot.

PM Wind-down smoothie- 2 cups of chopped pineapple flesh, 1 inch ginger for extra spice (optional), 1 handful of green veggies of your choice (spinach, pumpkin leaves, Kale, green leaves etc.), 1 broccoli stem, 1 apple, 1 ripe peeled and chopped avocado pear.
 Juice the lot except the avocado, toss avocado and juice in a blender and blend until smooth.

Juice Master’s hot-n-spicy (culled from JM ‘Lose 7 pound in 7 days’ book)-
JM’s hot-n-spicy:  3 apples, a pinch of cinnamon and a saucepan.
Juice apples, pour in saucepan and warm on low heat. DO NOT BOIL. When nice and warm, pour into mug, add cinnamon, then go sit in that cozy corner of your room with a good book, your favourite TV show or music and enjoy the most aromatic drink EVER!!!!
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'Let the beauty you love be what you do'- Rumi

The information contained in this blog is my personal opinion based on my personal experience and research. Please consult your doctor for advice.
Copyright © nenesdiet 2013.
